WIBC 16 is pleased to welcome Natalia McPhedran!

Quick question: How do you protect your kids from getting into trouble on-line given that they’re probably more technologically savvy than you are, unless you’re an IT specialist or the child is younger than 10? Seriously, kids know so much these days about how to get around on their digital toys and yet they know so little of the dangers to which they might be unwittingly exposing themselves. It is a dangerous intersection of enthusiasm and naiveté.

How about this: Have you ever discovered that Junior sent out a pile of texts at a time when you were absolutely certain he was asleep? Or found out after the fact that your daughter has been receiving bullying emails?

As a parent, what are you supposed to do? What rules should you put in place and how should you go about it so that you protect your child, and your family, without alienating her at the same time? And what are the best practices to pass on to your children? The technological age is a reality and we must learn to navigate safely within it.

This is where Natalia McPhedran comes in. At the upcoming WIBC 2016 conference she’s going to share some sobering, real-life stories of what can happen in this digital age and how you can safeguard your children with realistic and fair limits.

After a few experiences of her own, Natalia started talking to the police and asking parents some questions. As she says, “[I] quickly learned how unaware parents were about what their children were doing online. I knew I had to do something about it. Through extensive research and a compilation of experiences (which are ongoing…), I created “The Rules That Work” which is the heart of my topic.”

Natalia has written a book entitled, Life With Kids: Empowering Our Children To Be Ready For The Real World as well as two eBooks.

Join us on March 9th at the WIBC 2016 conference as Natalia shares what works and what doesn’t.

Doris Belland
Advisory Board, WIBC 2016

Posted February 10, 2016 in: 2016 by WIBC