Featuring your #WIBC2019 Host
Sandra Tisiot
Founder & CEO Women in Business Conference & Eastern Ontario Women in Finance | WIBC Event Producer | Author, lecturer, dance, fitness & bodyART instructor, SandraTisiot.com | life-long Mortgage Agent, Dominion Lending Centres
Strong Women. Strong Voices.
As women we are being asked to ‘Lean In’ more and more, to use our voices and ask for more. So how do we do that?
On March 6, 2019 in Ottawa at the Women in Business Conference (WIBC) we will explore some of the critical ideas around understanding how to work and succeed using our strong voices. We’ll look at how you can brand yourself on an under-utilized platform, LinkedIn. But more, we will use our voices to connect and network with one another. And finally, we will take a day for ourselves, to re-set, re-balance and re-energize.
I truly believe that you never know when you are going to hear that certain something that will mark a change in your life. You may hear words that lead you to find the balance, make a change, or simply reconnect to that desire to do more whether big or small. I’ve seen it happen. It’s happened to me.
More, you’ll connect with friends and colleagues. You’ll laugh and share. It’s a feel good day. It’s also a day to reflect, and to continue to grow in your professional and personal development.
I’ve been asked, why do I do it?
Simple, it brings me such great joy to put on this event, be it stressful at times. But, when I see the women smiling, laughing, sharing, learning, growing, connecting and having those “aha” moments, I know I’m serving and doing what I’m meant to do.
Each year I try to bring different, new and exciting speakers to the stage. I try to find hidden gems so that you’ll have the “best day ever.” Now in our 11th year, the WIBC continues to nurture its four pillars: Connect – Celebrate – Inspire – Learn.
Meet our Featured #WIBC2019 Speaker Line-up
Thank you for coming on this journey with me – Thank you for taking a day for yourself.